Trundle Jungle

trundle jungle

Mastering Trundle: A Guide to Dominating the Jungle

Are you ready to learn how to carry games with Trundle jungle? In this guide, we’ll explore how to build and play Trundle jungle to maximize your impact on the game. Trundle is a versatile champion, but in this guide, we’ll focus on a build that excels at soloing and split pushing.

Trundle Build Core Items
Ravenous Hydra

This item provides sustain, bonus damage, and wave-clearing capabilities, making it an excellent choice for Trundle’s kit. It speeds up his clear massively and it’s a relief when you can finally clear those raptors without wasting so much time. It is our go to item.

Divine Sunderer

This item enhances Trundle’s ability to deal with tanky opponents, thanks to its armor penetration and bonus damage based on the enemy’s maximum health. You will start shredding through every tank in the game. It makes Trundle jungle really unbeatable when the enemy jungler picks a tank.

Blade of the Ruined King

BoRK offers additional damage, lifesteal, and a valuable active effect that helps Trundle in duels and skirmishes. With this item Trundle becomes INSANE in dueling, one of the strongest in the entire game! Try to beat this guy 1v1 in the late game and you will see his true power in duels.

Early Game Strategy

In the early game, Trundle’s primary objective is to clear his jungle efficiently. Start by taking your buffs and camps, and try to secure a Scuttle Crab. Trundle can clear camps relatively quickly, thanks to his Q ability, which is an auto-attack reset.

Ganking and Dueling

Trundle is quite versatile when it comes to ganking. You can either use your Pillar of Ice (E) to set up ganks or lead with your Q ability for additional damage. Remember that Trundle excels at dueling due to his ability to steal an opponent’s stats with his ultimate, Subjugate (R).

Mid to Late Game

As the game progresses, Trundle’s role may shift towards split-pushing. This means you’ll focus on taking down turrets and applying pressure in a side lane while your team engages in team fights. If your opponents have a tanky frontline, Trundle’s Subjugate becomes extremely valuable, as it can turn the tide of battles in your favor.

Map Awareness

Keep an eye on the map and track your enemy jungler. Trundle can be a formidable counter-jungler, so if you spot the enemy jungler on the opposite side of the map, consider invading their jungle and stealing their camps.

Pitfalls to Avoid

One common mistake with Trundle is overcommitting to fights. While he’s a strong duelist, he can still be overwhelmed if outnumbered or if the enemy team has a strong disengage.

Secret tip! Here you can check out the best Trundle players according to and find out their build paths on Trundle jungle! It’s a secret tip from us that you can use on every champion in the game right now. Now let’s get to the conclusion of our Trundle jungle guide.


Trundle is a versatile jungler who can carry games when played correctly. By following this guide, you can maximize your effectiveness with Trundle and lead your team to victory. Remember to adapt your build and playstyle based on the game’s dynamics, and you’ll find success on the Rift with this Troll King.

So, are you ready to master Trundle and become a force to be reckoned with in the jungle? Give this build and strategy a try, and you’ll be well on your way to dominating your games as the Troll King. Good luck on the Summoner’s Rift!

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